Introduction to object oriented programming

Introduction to object oriented programming

INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Object-Oriented Programming is the most recent concept among programming paradigms and still means different things to different people. It is therefore important to have a Introduction to object oriented programming before we proceed further. Our definition of object-oriented programming is as follows: “Object-oriented programming is an approach that provides a … Read more

What is Conditional Statement in C programming

C program to check student is pass or fail using if else, nested if and ternary operator.

What is Conditional Statement in C programming Conditional Statement Conditional Statements in C programming are used to make decisions based on the different conditions. Conditional statements execute sequentially when there is no condition around the statements. If you put some condition for a block of statements, the execution flow may change based on the result … Read more

What is System? Characteristics, Elements, Types and System Approach.

What is System? Characteristics, Elements, Types and System Approach. System The word system is derived from the Greek word “systema”, which means a organized relationship among the following unit or component. “A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective”. Top 20 SEO Interview Questions … Read more