Introduction to C programming language

Introduction to C programming language In 1947, three scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, und John Bardeen created the transistor. Modern computing was beginning. In 1956 at MIT the first fully transistor based computer was completed, the TX-0. In 1958 at Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby created the first integrated circuit. But even … Read more

Introduction to Online Analytical Processing and Data Mart

Introduction to Online Analytical Processing and Data Mart

Introduction to Online Analytical Processing and Data Mart Online Analytical Processing OLAP is computer processing that enables a user to easily and selectively extract and view data from different point of view. OLAP is best known technology that allows a user to slice and dice data or drill-down into data. OLAP is technology that uses … Read more

Types of instructions in C programming

Types of instruction in C programming

Types of instructions in C programming: C Instructions C instructions are the commands in the program that instructs the compiler to do certain action. Basically it gives the instruction to the compiler on how to achieve the goal of the program. For example, if I want to instruct C compiler to perform multiplication of 2 … Read more

What is Graphics Software and Examples

What is Graphics Software and Examples

What is Graphics Software and Examples Graphics Software In computer graphic, graphic software or image editing software is program or collection of programs that enable a person to manipulate visual images on a computer. Computer graphic can be classified into two distinct categories:- Raster Graphics and, Vector graphics Many Graphics programs exclusively on either vector … Read more