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 अगर आप अपने लिए कम कीमत पर एक TV देख रहे है तो आप सही जगह पे है। यहाँ आप 14000 से 16000 तक के TV देख सकते है।  यहाँ जितने भी TV है हमने उन्हे उनके Price और Specification को घ्यान में रखते हुए आप के लिए तैयार किया है। सभी TV Smart है … Read more

Difference between Formal and informal System In Management information System.

Difference between Formal and informal System In Management information System.

1. Formal System: Formal system is a system that is designed and developed using a set of well-established organizational policies, procedures, and principles, guidelines to coordinate and facilitate communication between different functional units and the processes they support, and to meet the overall information needs of the business. 2. Informal System: Informal Systems is the systems created … Read more

Types of Decisions in Management Information System.

Types of Decisions in Management Information System.

Types of Decisions in Management Information System. Types of Decisions: There are two types of decision making used in MIS. They are: Structured decisions. Unstructured decisions.  Structured decisions: Structured decisions are those that can be programmed. These decisions can be taken objectively. They are essentially repetitive, routine and involve a definite procedure for handling them. Herbert … Read more

Levels of Management.

Levels of Management. Each organization is made up of several levels. These could be classified broadly into three categories : Top, Middle and Junior management levels, The top management performs strategic planning and the other two levels provides supports in the form of processed information.    Top ( or strategic ) management establishes the policies, plans … Read more

FrameWork For Understanding Management Information System.

FrameWork For Understanding Management Information System.

Framework Framework For Understanding Management Information System. There is too much data and information in an organization. In order to design a MIS successfully, we need a framework to structure the information so that the data and information relevant for decision-making can be separated from rest of the data. Before we talk about the design … Read more