Types of Decisions in Management Information System.

Types of Decisions in Management Information System.

Types of Decisions:

There are two types of decision making used in MIS. They are:

  1. Structured decisions.
  2. Unstructured decisions.
  •  Structured decisions: Structured decisions are those that can be programmed. These decisions can be taken objectively. They are essentially repetitive, routine and involve a definite procedure for handling them. Herbert A. Simon termed structured decisions as programmed decisions .Programmed decisions are in fact those that are made in accordance with some policy, rule or procedure so that they do not have to be handled de novo each time they occur. It is for these reasons that such managerial problems are relegated to the supervisory level.
  • Unstructured decisions: Unstructured decisions are those in which the decision maker must provide judgment, evaluation and insights into the problem definition. These decisions must be taken subjectively. Unstructured decisions are more respectively in nature, usually one-sort occurrences for which standard responses are usually not available. Hence, they require a creative process of problem-solving which is specially tailored to meet the requirement of situation on hand. In fact manager at higher level in an organisation are usually faced with more such unstructured decision making situation. Some have aptly descried the situation as some what strategic in nature as compare to the tactical orientation of the structured decision at lower level of management. Strategic decisions are non-respective, vital and important and aim at determining or changing the ends or means of enterprise.

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