statements in c programming language

statements in c programming language

In the C programming language, statements are the building blocks of a program, representing individual executable instructions. A statement is typically terminated by a semicolon (;). C supports various types of statements, each serving a specific purpose within the program’s logic.

Expression Statements:

  • The most common type, an expression statement consists of an expression followed by a semicolon. Expressions may involve variables, constants, and operators, and their evaluation results in a value.
statements in c programming language
statements in c programming language


Compound Statements (Blocks):

  • A compound statement, also known as a block, is a group of statements enclosed within curly braces {}. It allows multiple statements to be executed together, creating a scope for local variables.
statements in c programming language
statements in c programming language

Selection Statements:

  • Selection statements allow conditional execution of code based on a specified condition. The most common selection statement is the if-else statement.
statements in c programming language
statements in c programming language

Iteration Statements:

  • Iteration statements, or loops, enable repeated execution of a block of code while a specified condition holds true. Examples include for, while, and do-while loops.
statements in c programming language
statements in c programming language

Jump Statements:

  • Jump statements alter the flow of control in a program. Examples include break (exits a loop), continue (skips the rest of a loop’s body), and return (ends the execution of a function).
statements in c programming language
statements in c programming language

A statement in a computer program carries out some action. There are three types of statements used in C & C++; they are:

  • Expression statement:

Ari expression statement consists of any valid C & C++ expression followed by a semicolon. The expression statement is used to evaluate a group of expressions.

For example,
x = y;
sum = x+y;

  • Compound Statement:

A group of valid C & C++ expressions placed within a (and) statement is called a compound statement.

For example;


a= b+c;




  • Control Statement:

Control statement is used for the program flow and to check the condition of the given expression or a constant. The keywords of the control statements are normally a predefined or reserved words and the programmer may not use them as ordinary variables.

For example

if (a>b){




While (condition is becoming true)





These fundamental statements in c programming language provide the structure and control flow necessary for expressing the logic of a C program. The combination of these statements in c programming language allows developers to create powerful and efficient algorithms to solve various computational problems.

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