What is Strategic Management Information System and its Characteristics.

What is Strategic Management Information System and its Characteristics. Strategic Management Information System Strategic MIS is the set of systems which are considered critical to the current or future business competitiveness, and hence the survival of an organization. Strategic MIS also supplies an organization with business intelligence. In other words, if an information system is used … Read more

Management As a control system. Management Information System MIS

Management As a control system. Management Information System MIS Management As a control system. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling are the various steps in the management process. All steps prior to a control are necessary but  are not necessarily self assuring the results unless it is followed by a strong control mechanism. Management experts … Read more

Asus Tuf Gaming FX505G Laptop Review after 6 Months of use: A Best Gaming Laptop Under 60,000 Rupees.

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer

    Asus Tuf Gaming Laptop   अगर आप एक बढ़िया Gaming Laptop देख रहे है जो काम दाम में बढ़िया features और Gaming Experience दिलाए तो आप के लिए Asus Tuf Gaming Laptop एक best Option है। ये Laptop आप को 60,000 तक का मिल जायगा। इस laptop में IPS-Level Nano Edge display है। … Read more

2021 Best TV aap ka liya under 16,000 Rupees Prices, Specification and Reviews.

 अगर आप अपने लिए कम कीमत पर एक TV देख रहे है तो आप सही जगह पे है। यहाँ आप 14000 से 16000 तक के TV देख सकते है।  यहाँ जितने भी TV है हमने उन्हे उनके Price और Specification को घ्यान में रखते हुए आप के लिए तैयार किया है। सभी TV Smart है … Read more