What is C# Characteristics and Applications of C#

What is C# Characteristics and Applications of C# WHAT IS C#? C# (pronounced C sharp’) is a new computer-programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation, USA. C# is a fully object-oriented language like Java and is the first component-oriented language. It has been designed to support the key features of .NET Framework, the new development platform … Read more

What is E-Business? e-business vs e-commerce, Advantages of E-business.

What is E-Business? e-business vs e-commerce, Advantages of E-business. E-BUSINESS It refers to all those commercial activities performed over the internet by using web based technologies. It creates value and strengthens relationship with customers, suppliers, business partners, shareholders and employees by connecting them via internet, intranet and extranets. E-business is a broader term that not … Read more

Difference between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce.

Difference between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce.

Difference between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce. TRADITIONAL COMMERCE VS. E-COMMERCE   Due to the exponential growth of internet, nature and structure of competition in traditional way of doing business and e-commerce has been changed dramatically. In traditional way of doing commerce, most businesses had to compete within a single industry and often within a specific … Read more

Introduction to E-commerce: meaning and Definition.

Introduction to E-commerce: meaning and Definition. Introduction Internet has revolutionized the way business is conducted nowadays. Electronic networks allow people to transcend the barriers of time and distance and take advantages of global markets and business opportunities. E-commerce has become a necessary component of business strategy, planning and economic development in the emerging global economy. The … Read more

How to obtain a duplicate marksheet degree certificate from MDU University, Rohtak

How to obtain a duplicate marksheet degree certificate from MDU University, Rohtak अगर आप ने कोई सा भी Course Mdu University Rohtak से किया है और आप की marksheet/degree certificate Loss हो गई है या किसी कारण वश आप के पास नहीं है। इसके लिए आप को Mdu University, Rohtak जाना होगा। साथ में original id proof, provisional marksheet … Read more